11 October 2024 | 2:00–10:00 pm
St Pölten, UAS

IT Security Community Exchange (IT-SECX)

The IT-SECX serves as a platform to exchange knowledge and information on trends, technologies and the latest developments in IT security. 

This year's theme is all about "AI & Security". We are looking forward to Daniel Fabian, Lead Machine Learning Red Team at Google, kicking off the program with the keynote.

Join us!

The number of participants in the event is limited. Please secure your place quickly.
Register now!

This was IT-SECX 2023!

Here you can find the programme, the presentations as videos and as PDF for download as well as a gallery with impressions of the last IT-SECX.
To the archive

The conference is aimed at

  • school pupils,
  • students,
  • persons with a research or teaching background,
  • industry experts,
  • and “geeks” in general who work with computer science and IT security. 

Twitter: ITSecX | #itsecx24
Facebook: FHSTP - Informatik & Security

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!