Großer Festsaal (englisch)
Keynote: Threat Modeling Lessons from Star Wars
Adam Shostack
Adam Shostack
Securing web apps with modern platform features
Lukas Weichselbaum | Google
Lukas Weichselbaum | Google
Smashing Smart Contracts
Bernhard Mueller | ConsenSys
Bernhard Mueller | ConsenSys
The nuts and bolts of Security Automation at Runtastic
Markus Donko-Huber
Markus Donko-Huber
Stealthy Integration of Software Protections
Bjorn De Sutter | Ghent University
Bjorn De Sutter | Ghent University
Monocultures and Diversity in IT
Johanna Ullrich | SBA Research
Johanna Ullrich | SBA Research
Hunting for Remote Code Execution in your (Libre) Office Suite
Alexander Inführ | Cure53
Alexander Inführ | Cure53
Daniel Haslinger & Christoph Lang-Muhr | FH St. Pölten
Daniel Haslinger & Christoph Lang-Muhr | FH St. Pölten